

Gerard Collins is the award-winning author of Finton Moon, Moonlight Sketches, and most recently, The Hush Sisters. If you’re looking to buy Gerard’s books, you can find him on Amazon.caAmazon.com, and Amazon.uk. His books are also available at Chapters, directly from Breakwater Books, or from numerous other independent bookstores in Canada and the United States.​

Contact Gerard, or visit him on Facebook or Instagram.​​

New workshop coming to Newfoundland, August 2025

Gerard returns to Newfoundland in the summer of 2025 to offer The Art of Storytelling workshop at The Lantern in St. John’s on Saturday, August 16, 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.

This condensed version of Gerard’s masterclass will touch on story structure, character development, narrative tension, subtext, and dialogue. It applies to all genres—good writing is good writing—and all levels of writer, emerging to established.

Register now!

There is limited seating for this workshop, so please reach out to Gerard to secure your registration before August 10.


Gerard’s first novel, Finton Moon, was nominated for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic, the Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage and History Award, and won the Percy Janes First Novel Award. In 2019, he turned the Finton Moon  experience into a multi-media art exhibition, “The Book that Wrote Itself”. His short story collection, Moonlight Sketches, won the Newfoundland and Labrador  Book Award, and his second novel, The Hush Sisters, won an international Next Generation Indie Book Award in the suspense category and also was a finalist in the paranormal category.

Learn more about Gerard’s books.

Buy Gerard’s books

Professional Services


Gerard, who has a Ph.D. in American (Gothic) literature and also holds degrees in Masters of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Education, acts as a mentor to select candidates and occasionally offers editing services.

Learn more about Gerard’s Professional Services.



Writing Retreats

Gerard and his wife, author Janie Simpson, are co-owners and operators of Go and Write! writing retreats. Retreat participants include emerging and published writers of all genres—poets, dramatists, children’s authors, memoirists, and more—as well as their friends, family and spouses.

Learn more about Gerard’s workshops here at home and Go and Write! retreats.